Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Really Am A Total Brat

A lot happened to day so I will post twice. I had a meltdown today. I knew it was coming, it was about time, I need a good meltdown every now and then. My nanny didn't come in yesterday bc her husband had surgery, major surgery, not elective, orthopaedic surgery! I need my house to look a certain way or I develop anxiety. Today, she was supposed to come around 1, take Jk to mommy and me, clean up, do laundry......but her husband wasn't doing well. She called me to tell me he was having fever and chest pain and difficulty breathing, so she needed to stay with him.

So me, the total diva, got off the phone and started crying, not because I felt bad for her, but bc I needed laundry done, the floor washed and Jk taken care of. I am shocked! How un-sympathetic of me, but it has been a long 10 days and I think this was the straw that broke the camels back. I managed to pull it together, sort of clean up the house and make it into the city for my post-op appt. I got into an argument with J over which car to take. Me, the diva, wanted my car, but since the nanny wasn't coming, J needed it to take Jk out for pizza, instead of my idea, to have J move the carseat around. Anyway, it all worked out. But I am a brat.

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