Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Since I am awake, alone (J is happily snoring beside me), I decided to use my blog for what it was intended for,to learn from my experience. I went through my last surgery's post-op entries to see if there is anything I can do differently. I immediately noticed the one huge change is the pain med situation. I had a nasty few days last time until I started the Percocet, this time, I am doing great with the early start of Percocet. I was also curious as to when my right hip started hurting, I mention it around 1, 1 1/2 weeks but it seems like I had been hiding it until then (the truth is difficult sometimes).

I also noticed that I was not able to do a heelslide until Friday (Monday surgery, I am already able to do one, Yay Pre-hab!! I have more numbness this time around though and more swelling. P was going to measure the swelling but I said absolutely not- no one is measuring the circumference of my thighs!!! I also took the time to update my Timeline ad my profile (how long until I can go back to work???)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh --
thanks for this
guided tour!...
..and glad you're home & feeling pretty good ---