Friday, November 2, 2007

Article Review

I have been frantically trying to get my hands on an article from this month's AJSM because there is an article titled "Revision Hip Arthroscopy". I finally got it today. It found that the most common reason for a revision is persistent impingement.
Of 37 cases reported, 36 had impingement that was either not previously addressed, or inadequately addressed. 32 had labral lesions, 26 had a chondral defect, 22 had unaddressed FAI, 22 required lysis of adhesions, 13 for unaddressed instability, 12 for repeat treatment of FAI.

Just some food for thought! I feel better that most did have a labral lesion, not that I hope that for anyone...but you know what I mean!!!


Anonymous said...

wow Susie -
what a coup that you found this article -!
How'd you hear of it?
can we see it online somewhere? citation,
please -

Anonymous said...

....oh - - -
is that November '07
American Journal of Sports Medicine?

Alessea said...

Hey Susie-interesting article!

In the process of geting it I came across another one that I personally find interesting "Arthroscopic Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement" (I love being a uni student and having free access to all these things), I like the fact that Ganz name is on the article so maybe we will get the option here some time in the future.

Keep up the good work-all through my exams I still had to read your blog each day...

Susie said...

Here is the citation:
Marc J. Philippon, Mara L. Schenker, Karen K. Briggs, David A. Kuppersmith, R. Brian Maxwell, and Allston J. Stubbs
Revision Hip Arthroscopy
Am J Sports Med 2007 35: 1918-1921

I found the most informative articles early on from JOSPT (Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy), July 2006 has 2 great articles. There is a 3rd article by Shirley Sahrmann in either JOSPT or Physical Therapy as well, you can easily find them throgh Pubmed.

Felicia, how is school going?
I do miss my free library access!! Luckily we have a recent grad in my office who still has her library access!!! Keep up the good work!

Jess said...

Hey Susie, that's really interesting! I'm glad I'm not the only one who pokes around for more info lol some might call me obsessed :-o
Another good one is Patients can request up to two full articles at any one time for free from the American volume!

Susie said...

this is my latest from JBJS:
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89:29-43. doi:10.2106/JBJS.G.00603
Bryan T. Kelly
Michael K. Shindle, James E. Voos, Benton E. Heyworth, Douglas N. Mintz, Luis E. Moya, Robert L. Buly and
Spectrum of Disease

Just call me OCD!!!! It has interesting images!