Everything was going well yesterday, I walked L to and from camp, walked to the bank, to the nail salon, to the drugstore, all with one crutch, but I was on top of the world, for sure by tomorrow, I thought to myself, I can lose the crutch.
So we began our drive, we were doing great, the kids were behaving, about 30 miles before we got here, traffic came to a standstill, and practically stayed like that for 2 1/2 hours. We were on the highway with nowhere to go, my biggest fear was that L would have to use the bathroom, but she did great!

So our 3 hour car trip turned into a 5 1/2 hour car trip, needless to say, I did not practice what I preach, and remained sitting the whole time. When we arrived, I was STIFF!
Next came the exploration! Jk was running circles around us, he was just so happy to be out of the car, then he found the steps. This is when things got ugly for me. I really never have any need to do steps, I live on a high floor so never consider walking, my office has no steps and Target has an escalator (this is why America has such a high obesity rate, but I digress!) Stairs are really hard for me. And up and down numerous times was awful. I dumped my crutch when we got in the house, but desperately needed it for going up the stairs. By the time we sat down for dinner, I was in excruciating pain, but more on the right side (first hip). I was panicking, the pain was so intense, like pre-injection intense. I wanted to cry, out of pain but as well as fear. By the time I put Jk to bed, I had real tears, but kept them to myself, as I only express my "hip emotions" here!
By bedtime, both sides hurt, my gait was awful, I really needed to be using the crutch, but it is so annoying in the house, especially with kids (I know, again, not practicing what I preach), so my back started hurting because of the way I was walking/ compensating/ twisting.
This morning, I felt better, but soon all my bad habits came out, no crutch, up and down the steps... right hip pain, left hip pain, low back pain, piriformis pain. That one is new. I think my SI joint became a little rotated, which for me, causes my piriformis to spasm, you can tell that so far, the trip has been lovely. I will get into more details about why I was up and down the steps when I get home.
I have also been exhausted since I got here! I napped this morning for 2 hours while Jk did, then dozed off again in the afternoon. I have been tired since surgery, and early on had a scheduled nap each day! By late afternoon, I couldn't take the pain anymore and took Tylenol, this is big for me, I am not into pills, I prefer pain, as long as I am not in tears, like today. I find that in my case, I take something (these days nothing other than Tylenol), I feel better, I overdo it, and end up with more pain later so it is not worth it. Pain is your body sending you a signal that you are overdoing it.
I know I need to be on that crutch, I actually feel so good in comparison when I am on it, then when I am not. We walked to the park today, I took the crutch, and did great. I was not able to walk and chase the kids at the park since I had been having such a crappy 24 hours. I also end up doing a lot of standing here, the kids sit at the breakfast bar when they eat, so I am up and down getting everything, feeding them, cleaning up after them...
I am finally sitting now, at 11:30 pm, I am being rude, the whole family is downstairs eating ice cream, but I needed to get everything off my chest, and more will come when I get home! I am evaluating the day, the damage possible done and pray that I did not have setback from this mini-not-so-vacation! Live and learn!!
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