Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm Walking on Sunshine

Really, I am so happy with the way things are going for the new hip! I went to the pool today with the family, and walked all day on 1 crutch, no trendelmberg (at least not noticeable to me). No swimming though, one stubborn incision still is kind of open. I used those waterproof band aids to shower the first couple of days when your not supposed to, but swimming with them is different than a quick shower. Then, at home, I have been walking with no crutches, visible trendelmberg, but nothing beats the use of both hands when you have kids!

Since I was feeling so ambitious, I cooked, nothing fancy, but cooking is a big thing for me, I barely got back into cooking after my first surgery. I need to feel independent and useful. It was a great feeling to carry ingredients in the kitchen and stand at the stove and prepare a dish. I honestly think I could go back to work this week, but I have coverage for 4 weeks, so I won't do anything stupid, and allow my body to really recover well. I even tried a mini-squat in the bathroom, if J saw me trying to exercise now, he would flip out. I was able to do the squat. Tuesday is my next PT appointment, if P agrees, we will add standing squats with a theraband around my knees, to work on the glut med. I'm sure he will agree, this time I have been dictating more or less how things will go. I also will start single leg stance activities this week. I haven't been compliant with my home exercise program, and have done nothing since I left my office on Thursday, but who cares, I feel awesome!!!

I wonder if I feel this way in comparison to how I felt last time, or it is real! Last time, I was still taking pain meds at this point, still on 2 crutches, not driving, and feeling rather pathetic! I need my life back and going for at full speed!

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