Sunday, October 28, 2007

Staying Healthy

I have been noticing that the hip message boards have been concerned about weight gain after injury. I have decided to try to include healthy(ish) recipes when possible. I just span (spinned???) for 30 min, couldn't go longer bc of the 'sponginess'. I am usually really hungry after a ride, soI made a quick and healthy(ish) recipe. (many of my recipes are not exact so I will 'wing' the recipe)

French Fried Vegetables
2 bags frozen California style vegetables, defrosted
3 8.5oz cans cream style corn
1 small can French Fried onions (optional, less healthy version)

Combine vegetables and corn in a medium sized baking dish (I used my large, round corningware dish), top with french fried onions. Bake at 350' until golden brown.


1 comment:

Jess said...

That sounds like enough to live off for a week!! But, YUM lol :-D