Friday, August 3, 2007


This week is finally over, I can't remember the last time I felt this drained on a Friday, but between returning to work, stressing over the MRI, and stressing even more over the results, I am ready to kick back!! The truth is, it is easier for me to kick back on a weekday, since my nanny is around. After today, I will be on my own until Monday. Well, J will be around tonight and tommorrow, but he is going on a business trip on sunday morning :-(

I had more pain this week than I did last week, which is understandable, yet slightly depressing, as I would like my pain to continue decreasing over time, but I can't expect this level of activity to help much. My right hip has been on again, off again. There are times when it is fine, and other times, like today, when I wanted Percocet. I was at work, and was kneeling, sitting on my heels, that is a new, deadly position for the right hip. I ended up with awful, excruciating pain for a while, hence my desire for Percocet. The left is painful too, I almost feel the raw bone rubbing (sorry, that is so gross), but I notice a difference in the quality of pain from side to side. The right side is a general, joint pain, very achy. The left is a more specific, focal area, also in the joint, but not as widespread as the right. I imagine the 2 bones rubbing together over the area where the labrum was debrided...eeewwww!!!

I am having company for dinner tonight, first time since the surgery I have any type of company. Everything is now pretty much done, I need to go out to buy ingredients for a salad...but I am so tired....I think we will do without!!!


Alessea said...

Balloons and streamers and applause for Susie! Yay for getting through that first week, hopefully next week won't be so tough on you. Try and take it easy over the weekend, I know its hard but at least try to relax some tomorrow!
Enjoy your dinner party!

Jess said...

Congrats on getting through your first week at work! You've done so well! Kick back and relax this weekend, send that man of yours out to get the groceries! I hope you enjoy your dinner :-)

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

This brings up a question I have been wondering about...when they debride the labrum, they are essentially cutting out the tear, correct? And when they cut out the tear isn't that just making a bigger tear? So how does debridement solve anything if it is just creating a larger area with no cartilage where more bone can rub together?

Susie said...

Quick anatomy lesson: All bones are lined with cartilage called Articular cartilage. The hip has additional protection, the labrum, which is made of fibrocartilage, which lies in between the femur and acetabulum. What causes pain in a labral tear is the flap of tissue in the joint, by removing it, you elimate the pain (hopefully), but now there is less 'cushioning', which may lead to arthritis down the road. Not all tears are full thickness tears, meaning the tear is not all the way through the entire labrum.
On a side note, when I spoke with my OS last week, and he said he felt confident that I did not retear the labrum, he also said this is why he prefers debriding it, instead of repairing it, there is nothing left to tear.
Some people have a lot of damage to the labrum as well as the articular cartilage, and the surgeon will perform a microfracture, this is drilling little holes in the bone, causing it to bleed, and then hopefully healing as fibrocartilage (not new articular cartilage).
I hope this helps!!!