Monday, August 13, 2007

He Called...finally

So after 2 messages an email, and a conversation with his PA (unrelated to this issue) he called me!!
Here's the deal....the MRI report shows a fraying of the labrum, when comparing the MRI images to the scope pics, he says it is normal, and in the area of the debridement. There is no large flap or loose body in the joint. There is no sign of synovitis, but it is usually not reported, and there is some fluid around the psoas. There is also some loss of cartilage in the area of the original tear, which apparently we knew about after the surgery (I don't recall this though).

I can get the psoas injected if I so desire, at the time of our conversation, I was in no pain, now of course I am!! I told him I would prefer to have the joint injected, since I think that is where my pain is, and that I will call him when I go back to work since that is what has been causing me the most pain. I will decide then.
As for now, I am unsure what this all means. Obviously, a frank, obvious retear would be devastating, but I am pretty sure it is not my psoas.
I have PT tomorrow morning, I will have P really check everything out and we can come to a decision (hopefully together!!) about what to do next!


Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Argh - gray area, I know how frustrating that is! I didn't realize "fraying of the labrum" was considered normal - fraying doesn't sound good for any body part!

Hang in there - I'm sure you'll work through it. And I hope you were able to relax on your vacation!

Susie said...

Hi Rachel!
I plan on getting the report faxed to me tommorrow, first thing! I think he meant that fraying on the report is consistent with the work he had done in the joint, so not really a tear, rather, the MRI reflecting that something had been done on the labrum. Ahhhhh