Sunday, August 19, 2007

It Can't Possibly Get Worse Than This

I am now officially done being positive for the day and time for a lot of negativity, aggression and downright complaining. You have been warned!

I will skip the emotional aspect of this bc I know no one really cares that I burst into tears for no apparent reason at inappropriate times, but the last 3 days have left me feeling desperate for answers as well as a solution.

It all started Fri morning, shortly after PT, and now looking back, I wonder if something we did precipitated this awful mess. My right ROM in hip flexion is 90-100 degrees, at which point I develop pinching in the groin. P tried some Mulligan mobs and was able to increase that number a lot. He also did a lot of psoas work. A few hours into my day, I started getting that all too familiar achy pain, which didn't go away. My pain has pretty much always been intermittent but the pain free periods have been coming less and less. Fri was no exception. By 1pm, I knew I needed to do something and that was when I decided on the injection (still haven't heard back).

Friday night was awful, the pain just never went away, I gave in and took 2 extra strength tylenols which helped a lot. I think Tylenol gets a rap for being a 'wimpy' drug, not strong, not helpful, but I have to disagree.

Saturday, I was stupid (again) and wore heels for a few hours in the morning, not my sexy shoes, but 3" platform wedges. Whoa, bad, bad idea. Pain all day. J was nice enough to let me nap for 3 hours in the day and watch the kids, I was physically and emotionally beat. I never realized what pain can do to ones psychological well-being until now.

After my 'power-nap', we took the kids to the park, then home for a bath and bed. I again, took my 2 extra-strength Tylenols, but this time, they didn't work. Shit. Now what? I really don't want to take narcotics for this, but I saw no choice, I was in that much pain. I have a total of 4 narcotics here, all left over from each surgery and my 'trial and error' period with each. If the phrase 'pick your poison' ever held truer, I would be shocked. Here were my choices: a)vicodin b)percoet c)ultram d)darvocet
And the winner is.....choice D, Darvocet. For the shear reason that I was not 100% sure what it would do to me, the last time I had taken it, I threw up multiple times but I didn't know if it was bc I had taken it on an empty stomach or if I was throwing up from the anesthesia.
Darvocet is still the winner in my book!! It did the trick and had no side effects, I was even able to carry a conversation afterwards!!

This brought us to Sunday. I woke up in pain, took 3 extra-strength Tylenol, they took the edge off, but not enough. Not quite 4 hours later, I took 3 more, still, not enough. I really, really didn't want to take Darvocet again, so I added 1 teeny tiny Aleve to the mix. If you have been a religious Goodnight Nobody reader, you would know that I cannot take any anti-inflammatories bc of other issues, but I needed something to get me through this. In the end, the Aleve helped a little more, but nothing was quite as good as the Darvocet. I am trying not to take them, not bc I am afraid I will run out (I have 59 left) but bc I don't want to feel like I have to rely on pain meds for this.

It was our anniversary yesterday (6 years) so J went out and bought ingredients to make my favorite drink, I figured this would be better than Darvocet! Looks like all those meds don't go well with alcohol, because I ended sicker than I would have been had I taken a Vicodin! Live and Learn!

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