Saturday, September 22, 2007

Venting, Whining and the Ever So Importnat Shoe Choice

Last we spoke, Dr. Kelly had called, I need a revision.... fabulous! (I need to change my blog profile soon). The problem is there is never a good time for surgery, but there is no way I can put this off, my intermittent pain is beginning to give me less and less pain free periods, and the painful times are getting more and more painful.

I have spent the last 24 hours in synagogue for Yom Kippur. Aside for not eating and drinking, we don't wear leather shoes (sexy shoes fall into the leather category). Last night I wore my ballet flats. Huge Mistake. I was in agony, practically tears, they have so little suport but this has never posed a problem for me. Today, I decided to be smarter and wore my Danskos, I cannot say I did not have pain, but it was definitely a huge improvement from last night. I think I will have to begin living in those for the next few weeks/ months.

Emotionally, I don't know how people deal with pain. I guessing I have a high physical tolerance, but it is starting to really get to me. Almost every night is a mini pity party around here! I am just so fed up, and I have only had this new issue for 2 1/2 months. I cant believe it is taking this long to get things done also. What a mess! I will work on changing my profile tonight!! Let me know what you think!

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