Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sauvignon Blanc

This will not be my choice for tonight's anxiety fest! Just to keep you informed, call (Cabernet Sauvignon night), Wed morning at 4am, I emailed BK to re-re-re-schedule our call. I got an email back saying it would be Wed in the pm. By 9:30 I could no longer keep my eyes open anymore (Zk has been very confused with the time change and white wine apparently makes me sleepy) so I left J on phone duty (I also gave him one time access to my email, just in case he emailed). J came to bed around 1am (after the World Series was over) and told me that he had emailed. I checked the message...tonight at 6pm.

All I can say is that if this was a "real" date, I would have dumped him a long time ago!!!


SHC said...

Will be waiting to hear the update! Good Luck!

Louisa B said...
