Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Even I Didn't Think I Would Hear Back So Soon

Before 3PM, my phone rang...guess who it was...you got it! J and I were in the supermarket at the time, with both kids, and both were being extremely wild (the 2 kids, not J and the kids) . It was hard to have a conversation and make sure no one got hurt/killed at the same time.

Since I had already read the MRI report report, we got right down to business! What the heck is going on? He said that there was increased signal on my MCL, so he wants me to go into a brace. To which I obviously had a reply of "hell no". See, I know I have MCL problems, which is what I majorly damaged in December. This is a different feel, I explained, it feels "like joint". He thinks there is probably a muscle imbalance, residual effects of the hip arthroscopy (I knew it would come back to haunt me) and wants me to continue strengthening it and stop spinning. (we'll get back to that soon). I am of the opinion that the MCL is not involved in my complaints, yes, it hurts at times, but there is another pain as well, it almost feels like the same pain I had in my hip, but in my knee.
So.....strengthen, avoid aggravating activities like stairs and spinning and call him in 2 months if it still bothers me and we can do an injection then. I knew he would be stingy with the cortisone! If this persists, I don't think I will last 2 months and will probably call sooner, but hopefully it will go away on its own. I will be more diligent about specific strengthening, not just spinning and pilates, and if necessary, tape my knee like P has done in the past.

So the no spinning thing.....I don't know if I can do that. I tried it for 5 days a while back but went back since it didn't seem to make a difference. I didn't spin once last week because I was super busy at work and then with my appointments, packing and travelling. This week, I had grand plans to return to the gym I used to spin at when I lived at home, but just to "test the waters", I will hold back and stay off of a bike for this week as well. I return to NY on Monday, and if my symptoms have not changed, I will return to spinning. If they have gotten better, I will probably return as well, might as well if there is no pain. So in a nutshell, I cannot give in to no spinning and I don't like bracing knees, especially in a situation like this when it will only weaken all the other structures around it.

I don't feel like I am being given the runaround, I am in no hurry to do anything drastic here, and like I think I have mentioned before, the knee is not surgical, and even if it were surgical, ITS NOT SURGICAL!


Jess said...

My goodness you're stubborn lol Just to remind you that MRI's aren't always accurate...I just found out that I have a chunk of cartilage missing from a bone in my wrist and it didn't show on the MRI lol
So if you think there is something else going on, make sure you pester them to look harder! Good luck with the no spinning thing, if you do get back on the bike, you may want to see if someone can set you up properly in case bike setup is contributing to your problems, bit tricky on a spin bike tho lol

Jess said...

Not that I want there to be anything wrong! :-)