Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Letting Go...of My Crutches

I went all day yesterday without crutches. It was the first time I began having any pain. Mostly, my psoas, glut med, TFL and adductors. They got really sore, I guess since I was finally using them. I tried to sit as much as possible, and kept PT light. P really worked my incisions yesterday and they REALLY hurt, as did the entire area around them.

Since I was finally 'free', I decided to run some errands at the mall that I had been putting off. Walking was difficult since I took the long way around (not on purpose) but as I 'warmed up' the muscles relaxed a little. I did develop a limp last night, since it was the end of the day and I was exhausted. But overall, the day went well.

As I sit in bed with my laptop, I feel the effects of yesterday's adventure. I will try to keep my activity light today,I need the muscles to feel better and my gait to be perfect since I am going back to work next Monday.

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