Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Fun Continues

Things have been 'wonderful'. Not only was my ass spasming, my thigh hurting, my adductors weak and spazzy (is that a word?), now I have blilateral MCL sprains (in my knee), whoohoo, it is a never ending party around here.

I have to admit, the MCL pain is worse than a lot of the hip related stuff, pre and post op. I have a stingy feeling on the medial side of both knees, feels like the ligament is ripping if I do certain things, but haven't been able to pinpoint what.For example, I am in bed with my laptop and they hurt. P tried taping one but it didn't really help. I should ice, it would really help snice the MCL is more superficial than say, my labrum, but I hate ice. Once again, I am hoping that I will wake up tomorrow and I will be better.

So what provoked this? Remember on Monday I tried the Fitter for my adductors. Apparently, I was sooooo not ready. It seems my knees went into too much valgus as I attempted to pull the fitter across into adduction and stressed the MCL. Ouch.

An update on my ass: It is piriformis.Much to my dismay, P did some ART on it and as painful as it was, it really did help. It hurt too. Today was rough! I am ready to pass out and have knee relief ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

I was just much more pathetic can this get, I injured myself while rehabbing!!!


Alessea said...

I know this wont make you feel much better, but I feel relieved that its not just me who does things like that - injured myself while rehabing too! You can now join my elite club but you must promise that it wont turn into another big problem that you have to sort out!!!!

It is almost 8 months since I busted my foot during physio for my hip and its not much better so I really should get someone to check it out...

Anonymous said...

"An update on my ass: It is piriformis."...
LOL Susie ----
this is a most hilarious
sequence of terms
-- almost Shakespearean,


Susie said...

Just for the record, my knee problem is NOT surgical, ane even if it is surgical, IT IS NOT SURGICAL....

KT- I think I should send my blog to my high school english teacher, one class I did not excel in....maybe I will throw in a copy of my degrees from there!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i had the 'ole weak knee thing too. somedays it's touchy. i hate ice ..i gave me knee frostbite last year icing.

rehab sucks. not sure i would like my coworker working on those areas either :)

just running to try to catch the elevator results in a "payback" of pain...doesn't it???

kudo for keeping up with the young ones, susie. mine are 10, 12, 14 and as long as i can drive them somewhere they are being entertained.

my left hip is messed up...can only sit for 10 min at a time. did something bad to it.