Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I have been quietly dealing with this flare up of hip pain but it is getting to the point where I am starting to lose it (again). What I have noticed is that soccer is making me soooo much worse. We are not talking about running through long fields, blocking balls with your head, diving into the ground soccer. What it is is playing with L and Jk, who are 5 and 3 1/2 respectively, just lightly kicking around a ball and stopping it with my foot. That is it. This seemingly innocent game is causing a hellish scene in my joint. By hellish I mean that given the opportunity, I may cut off my leg.

Interestingly, I wouldn't even rate the pain as that intense, it is the quality of pain that is getting to me. It is searing, aching, deep deep in the joint. Sound familiar? A little too close for comfort if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

your brother plays soccer, tennis, ice hockey and skydives and he had the same surgery. Man up or just amputate :)

Anonymous said...

oh susie...don't take up the sport. it is not good for hips...i am proof of that! :)


Amy said...

I agree with your brother, or Josh if he left the first comment.... just cut it off and Fed-Ex it to Dr.Kelly. I am thinking of doing the same!

Susie said...

It is just sad that kicking around a ball with pre-schoolers makes me want to pull out a chainsaw!

I would hand deliver it, just to see the look on his face!