Let me backtrack on the craft thing. I am not crafty, at all. I felt so out of place in the craft store, like I needed a few more piercings and Birkenstocks. For the longest time, I have wanted to try a project. It is called BeautiFill. I have an empty bowl with compartments, and you are supposed to fill it. Hard to visualize so I have included pictures. (see below) I decided to fill the bowl with silk flowers, it looks great! The kids were a disaster in the store. They were exhausted and weren't letting me put my things int he cart, crying for stickers, books, candy.....you get the picture. Luckily, we made it out alive, with a few dirty looks from complete strangers, and safely into the car. They both fell asleep in the car!

I left them at home and proceeded to Target (where else), where things began to go achey...again. I even thought about calling P to squeeze me in tomorrow, but being that it is 1AM and I am on the computer, no where near ready for bed, I am glad I did not, I would never get out of bed that early. I am not 100% sure what is going on, and have been pretty busy so haven't been able to sort it out. I think it may be psoas (I hope it is psoas) as opposed to some joint crap. I am no where near ready to deal with any thing possibly going downhill in the joint. Maybe 30 years from now when I begin thinking about my THR or resurfacing, but this better not be an indication that it may be sooner. Obviously, I am sure the FAI has been wiped out. But there is always the fear that the cartilage damage has continued, or that scar tissue is running rampant in there. Or maybe I need to take a step back and say 'Chill Out!' I am only 9 weeks out, there are ups and downs, and this is just a down. It happens. I have had much worse 'downs' in the past. Don't freak out. Clearly the FAI is gone and that is the most important thing. Maybe I do need to haul my a$$ back to PT like a good, compliant patient and stop rock climbing on my off days!
My evening did end on a funny/ embarassing note though! L is into the Cha Cha Slide. The singer goes through a verse where he says 'funky funky funky funky'. We were getting pizza for dinner and L started singing the song, but she leaves out the 'N' in funky, boy was I embarrassed.
L has some new bones she knows, to date she knows: Scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, phalanges, clavicle, sternum, ribs, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, calcaneus, phalanges. Plus Gluteus maximus and hamstrings. Now, when I ask her if she knows what a hip looks like, she does that classic fist with one hand, other hand over it, then she takes the cupped hand and says 'this is the acetabulum'. She is a genius!
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