Right Hip
Maximum alpha angle (9:30): 44 degrees
Coronal Center Edge Angle: 29 degrees
Sagittal center edge angle: 62 degrees
Femoral neck shaft angle: 146 degrees
Acetabular version: (1:00) 11 degrees
Acetabular version (2:00) 15 degrees
Acetabular version (3:00) 20 degrees
Femoral version angle (6 degrees)
Left Hip
Alpha angle: (1:00) 49 degrees
Coronal center edge angle: 36 degrees
Sagittal center edge angle: 57 degrees
Femoral neck shaft angle: 132 degrees
Acetabular version (1:00) -6 degrees
Acetabular version (2:00) 12 degrees
Acetabular version (3:00) 18 degrees
Femoral version angle: 13 degrees
Hey I was wondering if you've looked at prolotherapy for your joint instability. Sorry let me introduce myself. I had FAI with cam/pincer type, in addition to a tear in my right labrum. I ended up seeing a doc in Chicago and I'm almost done with my treatments and it has healed my labral tear and really helped my hip joint become more stable. Hope you're able to lick this thing, lord knows it's a difficult journey.
Hey that is so cool, you are publishing the angles of your CT scan! Never seen anyone else do that.
Susie, how would you like to see a video showing you how your hip joint is functioning, based on your CT scan? Because that's what we do. I'm currently roaming the blogs and see if we can help out patients with our still somewhat experimental motion simulations. Check out our website at http://www.clinicalgraphics.com.
We'll do yours for free if you post a review about the results on your blog. Sounds interesting? Drop me a note at our contact form!
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