Sunday, March 11, 2012

Not Happy

About a week ago I mentioned that I'm having a flare up in my hip. It has not gone away :-( it has progressively gotten worse. My first day of PT this week was incredibly unproductive, everything we tried hurt. I was so sad and frustrated. I had been doing so well for such a long time. My second day of PT this week went better and we found that avoiding exercises in the sagittal plane was the key to reducing my pain. Things went much better but the next day I woke up in horrific pain. I seem to be in a cycle of pain that is so intense and irritating, inside my joint, that it brings me to tears and narcotics. Then, I can feel so much better without doing anything specific. It is a terrible cycle that I can't break. I told myself I'd give it until the end of he weekend and then decide what to do. I am not happy.

1 comment:

robin said...

Ironically, "Not Happy" and your words make me feel not alone...I could have written most of it myself...the cycle has made me question my own mental health. I am looking at my first surgery..labral, gluteus medius and minimus, avusion fractures in hip, partial tear in left hip anterior joint capsule..only I'm not a therapist and some is greek to me! Thanks!