Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PT day 1

So today was my first day of PT. Let me backtrack a little and tell you how my week has gone. Since I got home from the hospital, I have been incredibly dizzy and lightheaded all the time. I spent the majority of my day in bed with ice and my CPM. I was having a lot of nerve pain and having a lot of trouble getting into a comfortable position. On Sunday my OS and I emailed a little abt what to do. He wanted me on some sort of blood thinner to prevent blood clots since I was so immobile. He also wanted me on Lyrica for the nerve pain.
My husband didn't like the way I looked on Sunday so he called my brother in law who is a doctor to come over. He said the Percocet was dropping my heart rate too much which is why I was so dizzy.
I got off of the Percocet by Tuesday but it seems Lyrica also makes me dizzy.
PT went ok. My ROM is good and my strength too. My OS came by to see how I was doing since it has not really been smooth sailing for me. I told him the nerve pain is a lot better and I asked if I could stop Lyrica. He said yes so I asked for Lidoderm patches for the small areas of nerve pain.
My PT put me on a short crank bike but I developed groin pain after a few minutes. I did quad sets and glute sets and then iced.
I also had the opportunity to visit another hip friend in the hospital who had an FO yesterday.
I am now having groin and butt pain. I guess I overdid it today. I ended up taking half of a Percocet and hopefully I will wake up pain free tomorrow.

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