Thursday, March 10, 2011

##$%#&* Right Hip

Ok, so if you read the yahoo group postings yes, I am having hip issues again. At first I was having throbbing in my hip at night mostly. The pain started getting worse, it was radiating to the side of my hip, the back of my hip and down my thigh. It was for the most part groin pain though. I was trying to stretch it and stretch it since it is tight in the front still, and at times it bothers me that it is so tight. Yesterday, i was stretching it and got a good pop, which is not abnormal for me, when I had it in external rotation. Since then, I have a lot more range into ER, but when it gets to endrange, I have pinching in the back of the joint and behind the greater trochanter. I also have a ton of posterior hip pain, all the time, it hurts to sit down which is really hard for me.
I had an xray today, and of course I had no idea what happened to me (it wasn't until later that I was able to clear my mind and and remember these events, and even now, I'm not 100% sure if this is the issue). Thank goodness the xray was fine, no fracture or infection, which was a big concern of mine. As of now, my butt really really hurts, and ER, which used to be my position of comfort, is not uncomfortable. I am limping at times....this stinks.

Hopefully hopefully hopefully, it was popping of scar tissue, and now there is localized inflammation and it will pass in a few days. I will keep you posted!!!


Kate.Mich said...

How are you feeling Susie??? Any better?

Susie said...

The "acuteness" of the pain has gotten better but I am still having joint pain and butt pain- I am going to PT tomorrow to hopefully get a handle on this