Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Good and Bad News

I had been putting off going back to my shoulder doctor for fear that he would want to order an MRI. The good news is that things looked bad enough on x-ray so an MRI is not needed. The bad news is that I am practically bone on bone in my AC joint and he is recommending a distal clavicle resection. It does not need to be done now, he did give me another cortisone injection, but warned me that I cannot keep having them, and I will have to have it 'fixed' sooner rather than later. I am hopefully going to get a long stretch of relief from this injection and not have to think about this for a while.


freeheelfun said...

Hi Susie,
I hadn't checked in to your blog in a while so I thought I would say hello. I am so sorry to hear about your hip. You hadn't been on the FAI board in so long I just figured you were doing fine and vanished off into the hip sunset. I also cannot believe it about your shoulder??? I always ignored the postings about people with shoulder injuries too until I ended up having one myself (which apparently decided that pregnancy was the perfect time to reveal itself). I don't understand how someone so young could be bone on bone in the AC joint? Did the OS say anything about why this happens? Makes me nervous. I thought arthritis of the shoulder (unlike the hip) was truly limited to people over 50 who played a lot of tennis. ANyway, I hope you get some relief from the cortisone.

Take care,

Susie said...

Hi Amy, congratulations on the pregnancy. My OS says I must have had trauma to my shoulder bc the clavicle is out of place and the joint space is gone, he said there is probably ligament damage as well. I am pretty sure it is work related, I use my upper body alot, and I never had "trauma" to my shoulder.