Monday, October 25, 2010


As my shoulder issue continues to be an issue, I am happy to report that I finally took the time to listen to what my body was telling me and self diagnose!!! I do not have a labral injury or a rotator cuff injury, rather, an acromioclavicular (AC) injury, or, a separated shoulder. Whats funny is that this is usually caused by trauma or a direct fall onto the shoulder....but not me, I just 'develop' these issues! Since it does not seem to be getting better, and I am having trouble sleeping at night and difficulty working, I made an appointment with a shoulder specialist. What a breath of fresh it air to deal with his office...I called Thursday and was given an appointment for Tues...5 days later....I think I waited for my first hip appointment 4 weeks and currently people are waiting 6 weeks or longer to see my OS. So I will hopefully see him tomorrow, hopefully he will give me a cortisone injection and I will be on my way!!!

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