Monday, October 11, 2010

Shoulder Update

For those of you with shoulder issues, please chime in and tell me if any of
this is familiar. I have pain on and off, sometimes I am 100% pain free, other
times I am in agony. I can do anything with it, but will immediately know if I
shouldn't have bc it will hurt. Nights are the worst, sometimes I can't sleep it
is so bad. The pain is usually right at the top/front of the shoulder but will
radiate to the back of my scapula, down my biceps or triceps and into my upper
trap. I guess it depends what I do and how I compensate. I ice, I heat, I
Flector, they help but the pain come back. I am trying to strengthen my rotator
cuff but it is painful and I usually have more pain later in the day when I do.
My ROM is starting to feel limited at endrange, so I am stretching it daily.

So...those are my symptoms. I have also done acupuncture and moxa, acupuncture
didn't help, moxa may have, I just did it last night so the jury is still out. I
just want a quick fix and for the pain to go away!


Sloan said... I found this article to be very interested Suzie.

Anonymous said...

OMG, susie! i've had left shoulder pain for about 6-8 months now. i thought i had hurt it while i slept..putting my arm over my head when i slept on my belly. it flares up every couple weeks. im trying to just ignore it!

ive been thinking that the last couple weeks have been better.

incidently...i ran a 5 K the beginning of sept. i finished it...that was all i wanted.


Susie said...

Its amazing how many of us hipsters are also having shoulder weird! I had a massage yesterday, she spent the entire hour on my shoulder, it is so sore and tender right now but hopefully it will feel better in the next few days!

Anonymous said...

the last thing i need is shoulder surgery!!! good grief.

a friend had hip surgery...noted on the op note that the surgeon sutured the capsule closed....hmmmm. that must be the new thing!


Anonymous said...


You are my hero!!! I love you!!! Please keep writing your blog it means so much to me.


Susie said...

We are always the trendsetters!!!

Felicia said...

Susie,I know this probably sounds weird, but have you had your shoulder checked out by a PT?
Do you have any instability in that shoulder? A lot of your symptoms remind me of what I have happen when I let my RC muscles go (and I have multidirectional instability, took over a year of PT to calm the pain down).
I also have all the clinical signs for a labral tear in my shoulder, so much so the specialist wanted to use me for all her budding sports dr's to practice until she realised that wouldn't be nice for the patient (me, lol).

It could be that the wrong muscles are compensating for a week RC which is why you are getting all the pain in other muscles. If you are planning to keep treating it yourself, I'd say push forward with the RC strengthening, scapular setting, more dynamic strengthening doing 4 point kneeling and putting weight though it etc. can you get someone to tape it up for you while you run? sometimes that added support will give you the relief while running?

It took me a year of not very fun PT to get my shoulder to a point I can practice PT without my shoulder dislocating, although part way through this year I subluxed it 3 times so I had to go back to strengthening exercises a million times a day.

I've had so many joint issues now that they are questioning that there is a bit more going on. But now that I can almost look after myself I'm just monitoring things.

Hope you get to the bottom of your shoulder issues soon so you can enjoy running again!
