Sunday, October 17, 2010


I went for a 1 hour massage on Tuesday in hopes of leaving a little more relaxed and in less pain. The massage therapist asked if I had any "problem areas", so I told her my right shoulder had been bothering me. She said she would focus a little more on it while she worked.

So the massage began and she began working on my scapula and upper trap, "wow", she said, " this is really bad". She continued for another few minutes, and then said "I think I can spend the entire hour on this shoulder, if you want, or I can leave it if this is too painful for you and do the rest of your body". I told her to just do the shoulder. It was excruciating, every spot on the entire upper right quarter of my body was so painful. There were knots everywhere, she used her elbow, she was dripping sweat halfway into the massage. After the hour was up, she said that it looked better, definitely lower and softer, but she could spend another 2 hours on it if she had the time.

The rest of the day and into the next day were really painful. It hurt to touch the area. By Thursday night it was beginning to feel better. I have had a lot less pain in it and am able to use it more than I was. I am hoping that it was a big muscular issue and I won't be dealing with it anymore. I will keep you updated since I still continue to have pain at night and some of the surrounding muscles still hurt.

1 comment:

Sloan said...

My shoulder has been an issue since May. Started out with not being able to extend it behind me and lift myself up. Escalated to my scapula, neck and now deltoids, trap and bicep. WTF? Can this all be from compensation? or is it rebalancing???