Friday, April 9, 2010

UHC: 0 Susie: 1

I just checked my online EOBs with UHC and my surgery has been PAID for!! Whoohoo!!! They are paying $6750. I have not received anything in the mail yet, like a letter, an explanation, an apology :-) but just decided to have a look online!!!! What a way to start to the weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Good news!

bperchic said...


Thanks so much for your blog. It is so helpful. I had a rt hip scope on April 1 and yesterday rec'd a denial from Anthem for the surgeon and hospital. I read your blog and was formulating my appeal (during a night of panic) when I came on this post and decided to check my online EOBs, just in case something was different. Behold, the day after the letters were sent, the EOBs show as paid!!! Crossing my fingers this is true. Will check with the surgeon next week. Hope your healing continues. You have been a great help to the rest of us.