Monday, June 22, 2009

Too Cute

and an update....
My pain has not gone away but it is a little better. Saturday I did absolutely nothing...I didn't even leave the house, and I felt fine. Yesterday I did a little more and the pain was there, but it is clearly related my activity level. I played some Hopscotch Twister with L and of course the pain came back. I have managed to change my MRI appointment to this Friday (one week earlier than originally scheduled) so we will see....


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your issues again...the 4th mra wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. after awhile...i guess you just kinda get the routine down :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, sorry to hear something might be up-but perhaps it is nothing major-you are so active and have so much going on. I have been following you for many months prior to having had very similar surgery on 5/20/09 and reading your blog for many months before my surgery. I am in the South Florida area myself, 5 weeks post op and so far so good but realize the road has many challenges and your story and progress are great to hear about.. Your story has been super encouraging ( I am a nurse myself so I appreciate the medical stuff) and so far happy with my OS in Miami who has much experience with this surgery. I have told my PT all about you, your hx and blog. Wishing you the best and will keep following. The kid are adorable!!

Susie said...

Soccermom- thnx for the encouragement, it is my claustrophobia that is making me nervous, but this too shall pass!

So. Florida poster- I'm glad this has been helpful! Best of luck with your recovery. Would you mind sharing who your surgeon was? You can email me privately if you want,
As you may have read, my brother in miami had the surgery in ny but I think it would help if he had someone local to follow up with in case he runs into trouble (I don't think he will, but he can't exactly run to nyc everytime he has an ache or pain)!

Anonymous said...

oh yes...i am claustrophobic as well. they always try to put me in head first! i'm way! God help me if i ever need an mri of my head or chest...they will have to knock me out with a hammer first! good luck...sending good thoughts your way...