Sunday, April 10, 2011

Turning Point

Last Friday was definitely "rock bottom" for my latest hip saga. Things began turning around this past week, I think I was wrong about the cortisone and it is finally kicking in, it took its sweet time but yes, I began feeling its effects mid week. Most importantly, sitting is not excruciating anymore. The best days were Wed and Thurs I think, I had absolutely no posterior hip pain at all, I had some groin pain those days, but I did well physically and emotionally. Friday was not as good as Thursday and Saturday was not as good as Friday, but I hope to continue to get some help from this latest injection. Yesterday I had an event to go to and I had to wear heels. I had no pain while wearing them, but I just did not feel good about it. My hip could not handle the heels and the joint just felt "slidey", like it could not control my leg in the shoes. Ironically,I came home and put on sneakers and had a ton of pain, go figure!!! As I sit here writing this, It is getting a little difficult to sit. My husband keeps telling me to "stop thinking about it", but how can I not, I am still nervous, and I am still in pain. I see my OS on Tuesday, stay tuned for an update Tuesday night!!!


Robyn said...

I get this all the time too... "stop thinking about it"
If only they could try on the pain for 5 minutes!!

Susie said...

Or as one of my patients likes to tell me "walk a mile in my shoes..."

Anonymous said...

I also have posterior hip/buttock hip pain. This is not something you hear a lot about with labral tears and my therapist said it is not the typical presentation. High heels also KILL me the next day. I've completely stopped wearing anything with a heel. I also have severe pain with sitting. Much of this has improved after surgery (3 months postop) but think even more after therapy. I have been focusing on stretching my hip flexors and quads (they were very tight) and strengthening my gluts (esp medius, which was weak). I have found my buttock pain is mostly gone. If if starts at work, I do a little stretching and notice the difference right then. Just wondering if you are working on this at therapy.

jennifer said...

Thank you for all the helpful information here. I had a labral debridement in october of 2010. I have had very little pain relief.My surgeon prescribed me a cortisone shot about two months ago,it did not seem to help about a week after the shot my surgeon decided he should go ahead and schedule me for another surgery. A labral repair, with anchors. I really do not want another surgery and it seems like within the last few weeks my pain has eased up. So my question really is can it take three to four weeks for a cortisone shot to kick in? My surgery is scheduled for june 28th,I don't know if I should cancel my surgery or go ahead and just get it repaired.