Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pain Med Saga

My blog is intended to a) let me express myself b) have a place to vent that is NOT my husband c) help people seeking information related to a hip arthroscopy or something similar
So, since I am not holding back, and I am in a writing mood, I will share my experience from post-op days 1-4 x 1.
My surgery was Monday morning. Tuesday morning (yes, the next day), I had my first PT session. When I woke up that morning, I took 2 vicodins since I had slept through the night with no meds. After PT, I decided it would be a good idea to go out to lunch. After lunch, as I approached my house, I began to feel really nauseous, so I had my mom drop me off in front and "ran" upstairs and threw up.
I figured it was my bodies way of telling me I was doing too much too soon.
The next day, I went to the supermarket in the morning and came home, nauseous again. I then threw up, but the feeling of nausea did not go away. I then threw up 3 more times. Hmm, this is not good, I am going to beat my pregnancy record of 5x in one day!!
I called my surgeon's office and explained to his receptionist what was happening, she promised to give the PA my message. Then I threw up! twice! After an hour and a half I had not heard from the PA, and was still sick, I knew I needed anti nausea meds, as well as new pain meds. I called the office again, this time not as nice as I had been the first time. I was told by the receptionist that she had put my message on the PA's desk but she was busy seeing patients. I (not so) calmly told her that I needed anti-nausea meds NOW. She put me on hold for about 10 minutes, came back and told me she would call in Compazine.
It worked ok, I stopped throwing up but was in a lot of pain. The PA called me that night and told me that most people by day 3 need only Naprosyn (anti-inflammatories) and Tylenol. I reminded her that I don't take Naprosyn (see earlier post), so she said to ice a lot and take Tylenol, and if I still needed pain meds, she would call in Ultram for me.
Tylenol was NOT enough the next day. I went to PT on Tylenol only, not fun!!! I called the surgeon's office around 12, at 5pm the receptionist called me to let me know she was going to call in the Ultram. I went the whole day without pain meds.
The Ultram was slightly better in that I could keep it down, but I did still feel nauseous, I only threw up once more throughout my recovery, in the car, on the way to my first post-op appointment!!!!
Note to self: Ask for anti-nausea meds before going home from the hospital

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