I go through periods with no pain...ok, I had a steroid injection in my hip, but still...is this the magic answer??? I think about this sometimes, especially when having a few good days, and then bam, out of nowhere, pain.
This morning, Jk woke up at 6:15, yes, on a Sunday. After unsuccessfully trying to lull him back to sleep, we decided to take a walk, we walked for about 45 minutes, with a single stroller (as opposed to my double, which weighs 35lbs on its own, empty). I also walked yesterday for about 45 minutes with Jk, and then 45 minutes with my daughter, L. No pain in my unoperated hip!

A little later in the morning, I had to walk L (daughter, 3 yrs old) to ballet, not even half a block into the trip, I had pain, it was so random....why then and not earlier???? Why not during my numerous long walks earlier? The only difference I can possibly attribute it to is that I did have the double stroller, but even so, am I crazy???

I also noticed that I am compensating with my foot, I don't like to put the medial side of my foot down when I walk.....crazy!
So surgery is in 2 weeks, I feel weird going through with this when I have painfree days....but I should watch what I say, because I know that right after that comes out of my mouth....I will have pain!
btw- I don't use nor do I believe in painscales, so I will never refer to my pain being a "3", or whatever!!! Also, I really like orange strollers!!!!
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