Saturday, May 4, 2013

Trochanteric Bursa Injection

I ended up having the injection yesterday. After yet another ridiculous fight with Oxford and Orthonet, I got approval about 1.5 hours before the procedure was scheduled (will post on this soon). I am a little disappointed because the numbing medication (marcaine) did nothing for the pain I have been having which is just posterior to the greater trochanter. While there is pain at the trochanter and screw sites- it is the pain posterior to that that is debilitating. My MRI report shows a glute tear and my scan from September does not. I plan on asking for a re-read on the glutes to know specifically what had changed. I still cannot walk without crutches and have a major trendelnberg if I try to. I still can't believe that I am still dealing with this, having to have scans, injections and anxiety oer my hip. It makes me so mad....


Pepper said...

Im sorry,Hang in there!! I cant imagine. That's all I can say about your situation I know it is very debilitating both physically and mentally. Just with my 4 month ordeal with my hip arthroscopy and microfracture I know it's hard. And you have been thru 10 times more grueling things. I Have been praying for you and your family and will continue to pray for your healing

Pepper said...

I'm sorry I have a question for you and your followers. Here it is since I've had back surgery 2009 discsectomy and the hip surgery jan 2013 I've had some unusual pain come about and here it goes. Sometimes I can't sit because of pain in my butt on my left side only. It is pain where the ischium or piriformis muscle is. I can touch the area and tell my docs. Neuro says nothing on MRI showing up to cause it os says must be back. I have trouble sitting sometimes. It's like they don't believe especially Neuro docs that there is a piriformis syndrome. I was just wondering with all the hip operations did you ever experience this. It hurts right in the middle and on that ischium tubersotiy. It comes and goes but when it comes there is no sitting for over 10-15 minutes. What's unusual I can touch the place and it hurts to touch. And for people who don't understand it is painful. Have u any experience with this. Sorry for asking I know you have your own burdens to worry about. But you are the only one I know that has contended with these issues. Thanks again from the football coach in Mississippi

Susie said...

I am not sure of this is te same area but I had really bad pain at my ischial tuberosity- it was from hamstring tendinosis at the insertion point. It was so bad I couldn't sit at times. I'm sorry you are having that, it is not fun

Pepper said...

I know you are a pt but how did you figure this out or convince a doctor of this and what did they do?i mean it is bad sometimes. It seems like it is in the center of my butt. I can lay on my side and role a tennis ball over it and it hurts. I don't know seems like I'm falling apart. Thanks.

Susie said...

The pain was right at my ischial tuberosity. Initially we thought it was pain from my torn ligametum teres. It didn't go away with surgery and my MRI showed hamstring tendinosis. We treated it with a prp injection. It really helped and actually healed the tendon. I have not had the pain since then. Often, with prolonged hip pain, the hamstring with shorten and cause severe pain at the ischial tuberosity. PT did not help me at all with that pain and I was miserable- I couldn't sit. I hope you figure it out soon

Pepper said...

Thank you for your diligent response. I hope your heeling process will move more efficiently and with less pain. Ur in our prayers I told my wife and children to pray for ur recovery

Susie said...

Thank you. That is incredibly sweet and kind and put a smile on my face after one of the worse days ie had since surgery.

Unknown said...

A injection which gives the rapid relief from the pain is very valuable, instead that this relief is temporary. Because the position of the person who is passing through the pain can not be identified by others.
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