Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pain(s) in the A$$

34 weeks of pregnancy seem like an eternity, I am wondering at what point I can safely begin hoping to go into labor. Maybe 2 more weeks? I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week, to confirm that the baby is still in proper position and hopefully get an estimate on size. Maybe if it is really big I can will it out quicker!!!

I have been having a ton of ITB pain every night. It begins high, and will start with piriformis pain/spasm and travel down to my TFL and down the entire length of my ITB. It is horrific. It happens every night now when I "slow down". Walking helps the most but, hey, I need to sit down at some point. Interestingly, it is only on the right side (revision side). I also have been experiencing bolts of nerve pain at times, mostly on the right, that occur sometimes when the baby moves. This is why I have decided that it is a big baby! My first was 7 lbs, second was 8lbs 4 oz. If this one is going to also be a whole pound and 4 ounces bigger, we are looking at a 9 lbs 8 oz baby. I hope the trend does not follow!

What I am sort of hoping for is that my pelvis is beginning to separate and the muscles that attatch to it are trying to stabilize it, thereby going into spasm and causing me excruciating pain! I also have bouts of adductor pain but not as often.

J, who is down 42 lbs since surgery, has become an expert at ITB massage (it took him a while to figure out who to go with the fibers as opposed to across the fibers), but sadly, it does not help that much.

Jk has been in PT 2x/week for 2 weeks for his little elbow! He loves going and his ROM has improved. We are concerned about some possible swelling and bruising as well as lack of supination. He will be back at the doctor in a week so maybe they will take a repeat x-ray.

My brother has failed in PT! He still has pain and decided he needs surgery. He finally scheduled it this week and was given a surgery date of Feb 23rd. I know, 2 1/2 months away, crazy. But he is fine with it and doesn't wish to push for something sooner, so I won't either!


Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Wow, you're at 34 weeks already?! Good luck to the hips (and you!) in the final few weeks! Also, congrats to J - 42 pounds is great!

Anonymous said...

keep that baby from coming for at least 3-4 more weeks!!!! :) i'm thinking of you....