Firstly, I would like to address an issue that has been brought to my attention. Mainly, it is that I am generally feeling awesome. I don't know how well it is reflected here since I usually only blog about the bad days, If you would prefer, I could post each day and write something to the likes of "Today I had no hip pain". But that would be kind of lame and boring, but it is the case most of the time. And no matter how much I complain, anything I speak of is nothing compared to pre-op and I have never once had second thoughts about surgery (revision too) and continue to be really happy with the results.
That said, I will begin by saying that what is happening now sucks! I think my pelvis/ SI joint is becoming increasingly unstable from the pregnancy hormones, so, like in the past with unstable joints, the muscles are tightening/ spasming in response. This time, it is not my psoas (yay), but my right IT band (revision side). It is so tight it has begun snapping. I never really understood the full implications of a snapping IT band...until now. It is a painless snapping that began a few days ago. My greater trochanter on that side is also tender to the touch. I don't know if maybe this is partly because I sleep on my side now, since stomach sleeping ended a few weeks ago, or bc of the tightness, or both...I don't know what came first. In addition, my left adductors are also tight and tender again. So the right side of both legs hurts, I wonder if the right side of my pelvis is more hypermobile these days, the hip joint definitely is more hyperobile on the right.
To add to all of this, the following happened last night. This is rather graphic, and possibly better suited for the ladies only, preferably the ones who have already had children, so that those of you who have not will not be scared away. So you have been warned. If you don't like graphic, skip the rest of the post.
Way back when, when I only began to realize I had a torn labrum, I also realized that suddenly, my pelvic floor muscles were also very weak. To me, this was really bad since on top of treating orthopaedic patients, I also specialize in treating incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. The muscles remained weak after surgery but I never had any "real" leaking. Last night, I was lying in bed and out of nowhere got really nauseous. I realized I needed to throw up, and fast, so made a mad dash for the bathroom. Once I started throwing up, I literally peed all over myself. At the time, it was not funny, now, looking back, I can sort of smile, I know it is not permanent, but standing in the bathroom, not knowing where to go or what to do, I was certainly not laughing. When it all "ended", I sat down to catch my breath, and realized my nose was bleeding as well. Another lovely pregnancy side effect. Did I mention that this is my last pregnancy????
Ah, welcome to the world of sucky IT bands!!! Maybe yours is just from being pregnant... if not, I know a great guy who can release it for you... NOT!!!
I wonder if any of the hip docs realize what these surgeries do to pelvic floor muscles? Lets just say I have gone through lots more underwear since the surgeries...
I have been reading your blog for a little while. I am a scope chick, too. I had huge labral tear. I am left with bone on bone OA in 20% of my joint. Needless to say, I still limp. I had to write because I have encountered the, ahem, weak pelvic floor problem. I am thankful that I read your entry, because I had no idea that was connected.
Thanks for sharing. I don't feel so alone after reading your blog.
You poor thing, after my scope my PFM were ok however after my open surgery they were quite weak & I was not expecting this side effect! It took me a few weeks to realise it was not a good idea to hold on for as long as I could before going to the loo (I didn't want to get up as it hurt my hip..) as If I had held on too long I would nearly not make it to the loo or would just get inside and think "oh no" I was using all my might but could not control my PFM as I could before the op. Plus it's a little hard to cross your legs to stop it when one of your hip's has recently been dislocated!! I can laugh now but yet it wasn't that funny at the time. Baby wipes became my friend! Things are back to normal now, PF excercises helped. Wish you luck with your pregnancy & hope things settle for you!
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