I don't know if I have mentioned that sutures really gross me out. Yes, I see them all the time but it just seems so unnatural to have them in your skin, and my PT thought they may be part of the reason I feel so tight and pinchy.
It was no surprise to me that I showed up for my appointment today, which was scheduled the day I scheduled surgery....with a whole discussion on whether it would be ok to have them out 9 days post-op...and I had no appointment. The same thing happened with surgery #1. At least this time I hadn't thrown up in the car on the way down, and was in the correct office. And just like last time, there was no way I was coming back another day!
I think from now on I just won't make appointments because I get seen a lot quicker this way, no waiting in the waiting room, little waiting in the room! J/K
So the incisions look good, except for one which is still good but needs some time with the steri strip. My flexion ROM is good, and I have decent ER, I can stop wearing the @###$$%&$ boots at night! The bruising and swelling is probably bleeding from the capsule. He had to do a capsular shift, so he cut the capsule and instead of just approximating the edges together and suturing, he overlapped the edges and folded over the extra tissue, I now have a tighter capsule with a REALLY strong repair. He showed me the scope pics, the psoas looked great and is "unscathed" (guess he knows who he is dealing with). He was really impressed with the quality of the cartilage, I am thrilled about this.
I am very concerned about the repair and the ER so I spent some time discussing this with his PT. He said stick with gentle ROM for 6 weeks, it will come back. No joint mobs for 6 weeks. He said treat it like a shoulder with a repair, you want the mobility but you also need the stability. I feel better but still nervous about it. I see him again in January, I hope the ROM is good by then.
I have the op report and will post is as a separate post.
Susie, keep up the good work and please please-do not overdo it!!! You have been through too much and it is so easy-be a good patient:)
I am trying very hard!! I did 'test' my external rotation today and paid for it by needing to go back on vicodin! I am about to take # 2 for the day and go to bed!!!
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