Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Want My Life Back

I always seem to over do things post-op and always end up regretting it. I have been looking through old posts and seeing what I was doing when. I seem to have a knack of trying things too soon.
So, just an update, I tried to walk with 1 crutch around my bedroom last night, this was after a party where I spent about 30 minutes on my feet, then sat for almost the rest of the time. I was pretty excited because I was able to do it. Unfortunately, I woke up with a lot of pain today. I am trying to avoid pain killers so ice is my best friend. The leg also feels more swollen today and the incision sites are painful.

One thing I have been looking back in my blog for is this business about an invisible bruise. My entire thigh hurts in the front, almost down to the knee. There is nothing there. Just pain, almost an aching. I am also very bruised on my lateral thigh, close to the greater trochnater, I had ugly bruising like this last time. This bruising developed a few days post-op and seems to get a bit worse each day. It is painless, but ugly.

I have very good flexion ROM but IR feels pinchy, I hope and pray that this is temporary. ER is still restricted, and if I accidentally go into it, it HURTS.
I have been doing my exercises and can do a sidelying straight leg raise (abduction). I have been practicing in bed, abduction (gravity eliminated) but get a lot of ITB pain. The ITB may have a touch of tendonitis so I am definitely sticking to 2 crutches and being super careful.

I have my next PT session Tuesday and see BK on Wed., hopefully I will be able to do more next week!


Jess said...

Now that it's not me being silly, I can say GET BACK ON THE CRUTCHES ;-) I know exactly how you feel about just wanting to get out and move on, but unfortunately even though the mind might be ready, the body takes a while to catch up. Take things easy, remember you want this to be your LAST surgery! I'm still using one crutch for 'walks' and I'm 4 weeks post op tomorrow!

Jennifer said...

Hi Susie - Just wanted to send a note along to let you know that I am hoping for the best for you. I was surprised to read you had to go down this path again but know that you are in good hands.I am almost two years post op, I feel great, but I learned that I had to listen to my body and slow down - so things for me have changed dramatically, but I found a way to make it work. I know you will too. Thanks again for all of the advice and I wish you well! Jen

Vanessa said...

I did this several times! As my PT told me, it's your body reminding you, "hey I had surgery and I'm not healed yet, give me a break".

Pace yourself. You'll be 12 weeks before you blink and you will, in fact have your life back.
