Monday, November 26, 2007

PT, Finally!

I was late for my appointment, but I did eventually get there!! It felt like I hadn't been there in...forever! P asked what we were up to, I laughed bc we weren't up to anything really! So I rode the bike for a while, did some side to side on the wobble board since according to P I have a 'mild to moderate Trendelemburg', so when I walk, my right hip drops down bc it is not strong enough to support me yet.
I did bridges, hip adduction with a ball, hip abduction with a green theraband, lateral leg lifts. Then P showed me a progression for a new exercise he had learned at a course a few weeks ago (we are always at continuing education courses, my boss says he likes to hire PT nerds, and we so are!!!), 5 lateral (sidelying) leg lifts, then hold the leg up, 5 knee bends, then 5 times rotating into IR/ER, all while holding the leg up. I was a little shaky but I did it. Then some seated hip IR/ER with a ball in between my knees and a band around my ankle. Finally, isometric hip abduction against the wall, balancing on the right.

It sounds like a lot but it really wasn't.I am not sore at all. He did a Mulligan mob for hip extension, I put my left leg up on a chair and lunged forward, so the right went into extension, he put the Mulligan belt around my hip and applied a lateral distraction. He also did a lot of quad and hip flexor stuff and some prone anterior mobs, also for extension. I am ready for a nap!!!

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