Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Second Opinion

Surprisingly, I got a call back from the second opinion doctor's office on Monday, and they were able to see me on Wednesday due to a cancellation. I was so happy but a little nervous because I was not really prepared yet. To simplify things, he will be referred to as OS2. OS2 took about 30 minutes to go over my films, re-checked all of my angles on my x-rays, and read my latest MRI. He was wonderful, I explained my long history to him. He did a clinical exam. He found that I had almost no IR and about 90' of hip flexion (I was having a really bad day yesterday). The test he did for instability was positive, but not as positive as he would like it to be. He would have liked me to have jumped off the table with that. I dont know what to think, I don't think I have "instability", I think it is "micro-instability", so I am not sure what that test should show. OS2 then suggested that it would probably be a good idea to call my OS...uh oh!!!! This was a 'top secret' appointment. I explained to him that my OS hadn't sent me, and didn't know I was here. He assured me that he wouldn't be upset, that he would actually be relieved to have help with this complicated case. I told him that what I wanted to do was hear what he thought and what he proposed, and then decide if he should call my OS. He agreed to that!

He thinks I have a loose body in the joint. He does not think that my labrum is too small at this point and he is recommending a scope to look around and try to fix things. He thinks an open dislocation is a huge deal and thinks that by trying a scope I am not burning any bridges, and if there is a possibility that I can be helped with a much smaller surgery, then he sees no reason to try it.

I decided to let him call my OS and discuss. And he did, while I waited!! They spoke for a while, and I patiently waited. When they finally got off the phone, OS2 called me into the room that he was in to discuss.

He said my OS agreed to do a scope, he wasn't too keen on the idea since it failed so many times, but OS2 pointed out that my left hip is awesome! So I should have scope potential! OS2 said that he still doesn't think my labrum is too small or should be causing me issues, but my OS fought him on that and said he has been in my hip 3 times and knows what it looks like and it is definitely too small. So he will put in an allograft to create a new labrum, re-repair the capsule, is the kicker....they will do it together!!! OMG...I was laughing so hard, but I was so happy. I've never been happier being told I need surgery, but a scope vs open.....I am thrilled!!!


Hotchickie said...

I was reading your post and was shocked at how similar you sound to me. Congrats on getting the clear for the reconstruction! Are they using your IT band?

As for me, I've had three hip scopes and am waiting to decide when to do the reconstruction of the labrum (using the IT band) via scope.

I will be following your blog and I hope that you get relief from the surgery. When do you plan to have it?

Blaah hips, eh??

Louisa B said...

may I ask what the test is for instatbility?

Susie said...

Hotchickie- my surgeon doesn't use itb autografts, he will be using an alograft for my reconstruction. Louisa- here is a link to the instability test

Angie said...

Hi, I have a very similar story. I love your blog. I was wondering if you would mind telling me the name of your second OS. You can private message me if you like. I am looking for a surgeon to treat my FAI

Susie said...

Angela- the second opinion was Robert Buly in NYC @ HSS