Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Now Its Tight...

Beginning this week, I have changed my work schedule. I used to work three 5 hour days, 15 hours per week. For the next 3 months, I am working three 12 hour days....I know, a huge change! I have been really concerned about how my hip would hold up. So far it hasn't been too bad. Yesterday it started feeling really tight. My psoas started snapping even more than usual and I was unable to take large steps with my left leg bc the right couldn't go too far into extension. It was so strange, all the muscles just decided that they had had enough with this instability crap and kicked into high gear to protect my hip from sliding around. I hate this tight feeling but I also hate the instability........


Anonymous said...

Nancy drilled into my head a shorter stride. Which was tough because I have long legs and all my life I capitalized on that--with walking and running. I always hated my treadmill because it was it works out better for me.

good luck with the increased work hours.


Unknown said...

12 hours a day one day a week? Or still three days a week for 36 hours a week?

(Oh, and someone who just worked 30 hours straight, I would kill for only 12 hour days! But we all already know I am totally nuts.)

Susie said...

three 12 hour days (36 hours). I am going to Miami today and I have always felt better there so I am excited!!!

Unknown said...

Have a great trip! And good luck with your longer days and week!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to meet the new people linked under my BlogHer ad. I hope you having a wonderful weekend in Miami!

I am a PT, too, but my blog is mostly about parenting children with disabilities. Barbara

Kate.Mich said...

soccermom -

I came across a post of yours on a different message board (not even sure what it was) and I read you had an exploratory scope done to correct instability? Would you mind emailing me? kate dot mich 12 at gmail dot com. I've been having a lot of instability and have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Thanks!
