Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Today is My 1 Year Anniversary

And I am running late for work! So I will not have time to post a true update, but promise one by the end of the weekend with all the exciting things happening in my life :-)

An update on Jeff (I can't believe we are related): He had his MRI yesterday, it was only about 20 minutes (mine were all closer to 45 minutes), he did say they put a coil on his hip and taped his feet into IR. Here is the "I can't believe we are related part". The doc told him to make an appt for after the MRI to come in and discuss the results (why he can't call is beyond me). What would I have done? Once I got off the phone with MRI place, the next call would have been the docs office for an appt a few days later. Jeff's plan is to call today for an appt. I am going to try (in my sneaky way) to get the report from the imaging center this week, we'll see! Some are good about it, some are not and have rules and protocols!

Once again, thank you to J's HR dept and United healthcare for the wonderful insurance they provide us, Jeff's MRI co-pay was $400, no that is not an extra zero!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS SUSIE! can't wait to follow in your footsteps!

so now you can start blogging about other fun things.
